Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wine Time!

Over the years, I've noticed that wine becomes super cheap around November through January. For good reasons, I suppose. From Thanksgiving to New Year's, a good bottle is a good gift as a guest or a host.

It was explained to me once that having low-priced deals are considered a way to drag people into the store and hopefully they will leave with other, more expensive stuff. Makes sense.

I am pleased to tell you this is not your rot gut. This is fairly decent wine. I like some American wines, and imported reds and boutique wines. For example, Rosemount Shiraz from Austrailia, a generally full bodied, slightly berry heavy red, is currently going for less than half price: normally $12.00... now about less than $6.00. Wow.

Definitely the time to stock up, if you are a person who drinks wine. Salut! or A bon sante! or "Woo ee, is this all for me?"